June 10, 2012

New install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I have been battling with my Ubuntu off ad on for some months now and I finallay had enough. Time to reinstall and costumize my Ubuntu.

To minimize risk of probles in the future, I have decided to focus this install on being a production machine so no testing/unstable will be installed.. All future testing will be done on virtual machines.

So now I have a fresh, vanilla install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, currently being updated by the Update Manager.

I am planning to use this machine for mainly 3 different uses; Programming (both web, Java, Linux and Android), Video editing and Office Use (Libra Office).

I am planning to install the following extra software:

Chrome (for browsing)
Eclipse (for programming)
Audacity (for audio editing)
OpenShot (for video editing)
VirtualBox (for virtual machines; testing etc)
FileZilla (FTP client)
Ubuntu One Indicator Applet

... and maybe one or two more (will update this post when/if I do)

I am going to reduce the number of applications in the launcher down to Home folder, terminal, Chrome (Chromium), Eclipse and the Workspace Switcher (again will update when/if I decide on further changes

October 27, 2011

Using Google Authentication - via AccountManager - to access Google services on Android devices

* Attention *      This is a Work in Progress (WiP)      *Attention *

This post will cover the use of AccountManager (available in Android 2.0 and onwards) to access Google Accounts online.

It is a research article I am putting together mainly for my own use but my preliminary research revealed very few postings on the net, so I thought I'd keep it available online, so that it is accessible to more people as well as being a note board for myself.

It is possible to authenticate Google Accounts using HTTP requests but this requires the user to supply the app with both username and password, which is neither comfortable or convenient for the user. Using Google Authentication it is possible to use information already stored in the Android device to authenticate towards Google services without the Application needing access to username or password.

And authentication handled by AccountManager is handled in a generic way regardless of application.

I am performing this research in order to use it in my own Apps, primarily Analytics 4 Android (Free), but  hopefully general application in your instance should be fairly easy. Please feel free to comment.

In this article I will be citing other works. I may/may not have asked for permission to do so, but I am hoping that if You are an author and/or publisher of any said works will treat them as fair use. I will try to provide adequate attribution and reference for any works used. If You feel that I am violating your copyright, please feel free to contact me on janholbo(at) gmail (d ot) com.


  1. AccountManager (Android Reference material), http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accounts/AccountManager.html
  2. AndroidAccountManager (google-api-java-client), http://code.google.com/p/google-api-java-client/wiki/AndroidAccountManager
  3. Authenticating against App Engine from an Android app (Nick's Blog), http://blog.notdot.net/2010/05/Authenticating-against-App-Engine-from-an-Android-app

Links to be researched:

Other links:

October 15, 2011

The most beautiful Ubuntu Manual.

Muktware.com has released <a href="http://www.muktware.com/ubuntu-manual/1110">The most beautiful Ubuntu Manual.</a>

It covers the new Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric ocelot and it is targeted towards beginners and looks quite promising. It covers the basic areas and more will be added if interest is shown.

August 28, 2011

Preview of Google TV Add-on for the Android SDK

Preview of Google TV Add-on for the Android SDK - http://pulse.me/s/1ifb4