June 14, 2011

Ubuntu Studio 11.04

Having played a bit with debian, I decided to try Ubuntu once more.

And thankfully Ubuntu Studio have decided to stay without unity as the default workbench. So I installed 11.04 i386.

Installation was pretty much event-less except, that the WLAN (Wireless Network card) was not recognized during the installation process. I decided to skip the network setup and installed all the 5 predefined application categories; 2D/3D creation and editing suite, Audio recording and editing suite, LADSPA/LV2/DSSI audio plugins, Tone generation and editing suite, and Video creation and editing suite.

When the installation was done, the WLAN card was recognized and I was prompted to log on to one of the present wireless networks. Thus my screen looks something like this:

Next I ran the update process, as it did not run during installation due to the lack of network coverage. I also added Chromium (Google's web brwoser), and OpenJDK (an Open Source implementation of Java), which I need for Android development.

I also installed LibreOffice and missing UbuntuOne files. And I have forgotten all about MediBuntu, need those as well :-)

Next is downloading and installing the latest Eclipse Helios (3.6), which I also need for Android development as well as the ADT (Android Development Tools) and git for version control.