I have started work on an Application/Widget that can retrieve and display data from Google Analytics, for mobile phones running on the Android platform.
This will be my first application and Widget for Android and as such it is both a learning as well as a production project as the outcome should be a usable Application/Widget.
As work is still in its very early stages and I need to research both Android development and how to use the Google Data API from Java/Android there is not much to show yet. I will put up an article on our web site, when there is more to show.
Update March 12th:
I now get an authorization token when providing my own correct google login. Failure is detected and parsed but
For progress/project status please look further down.
Update March 17th:
The past few days nothing (seems to have) happened. Partly due to other engagements, work etc. Partly because I started fiddling with the UI and that broke something, which I could not figure out. I have been writing a few lines of code which will be the start of managing Accounts and Profiles.
I have rethought the UI and the way the App/Widget will be set up, including the way it is set up in my IDE (Eclipse). I have also decided to change the name of the App/Widget, which was a working title anyway. Hopefully later today I will have put up a web page on the App/Widget with the new name. I will also change the way I update the info. So far I have just kept editing this post. From today I will make a new post with the changes only and then put the status on the web page. When the web page is ready, I will post the URL here.
Status: Version 0.10 - alpha state
Next mile stone: V. 0.20 - Account Query (request profiles)
To Do (anticipated version):
- Authenticate user (V. 0.10 - DONE!)
- Account Query (request profiles) (V. 0.20)
- Report Query (V. 0.30)
- Widget setup (V. 0.40)
- Widget display (V. 0.50)
March 12th, 2010
Version 0.10
- Authentication of Google Analytics Account code
- HttpRequest code based upon a post by Rich Stern : http://blog.richstern.com/?p=32
- Google now authenticates my personal account and an authorization token is returned.
- Still need to parse the HttpResponse properly
- Determine response from Google (DONE)
- Inform user of failure/success (showing dialog upon Authorization already)
- Save authorization token on succes (DONE)
- ... time to head for the second mile stone! Whoop!
March 12th, 2010
Version 0.05
- Authentication of Google Analytics Account code
- HttpRequest code based upon a post by Rich Stern : http://blog.richstern.com/?p=32
- Google now authenticates my personal account and an authorization token is returned.
- Still need to parse the HttpResponse properly
- Determine response from Google (partly done)
- Inform user of (possible) failure
- Save authorization token on succes (DONE)
- ... but I am half way to the first mile stone! Yay!
Version 0.04
- Authentication of Google Analytics Account code
- based upen code from a post by Rich Stern : http://blog.richstern.com/?p=32
- Google now authenticates my personal account and an authorization token is returned.
- Still need to parse the HttpResponse properly
- Determine response from Google
- Inform user of (possible) failure
- Save authorization token on succes
- ... but I am almost half way to the first mile stone! Yay!
Version 0.03
- code for reading UI contenst Username and Password added
- Authentication of Google Analytics Account code started
- based upen code from a post by Rich Stern : http://blog.richstern.com/?p=32
Version 0.01
- Project started.
- UI for adding accounts started
- No working code yet
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