March 24, 2010

Backup for (Ubuntu) Linux

During all my toils of getting my development machine back up working (laptop using Eclipse to do a little Android development) I have been doing a lot of backups. And have had to struggle with it.

So where are the easy backup solutions for (Ubuntu) Linux lurking about? I need to do a backup to (and restore from) external media CDs or DVDs, preferably RWs. Which software handles that easily including blanking said RW medias, including DVD+RWs. And preferably is able to do multi-volume backups.

At this time I do not have a set backup routine for my pictures, mail, videos, etc. I do use Ubuntu One for some things but am limited to the free version and thus only 2 GB. So it is basically Ad Hoc backup for me.

Anybody have any good backup solutions? Please post in comments! (comments are no longer moderated in new (< 14 day old) posts)


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Anonymous said...

While very well.